Thursday, 15 May 2014

FYP 2 Week 14 (Final Week):Final Year Project Industry Day

  • As to fulfilled the requirement of Final Year Project assessment

Activities Discussion:

  • Hopefully, I will be on my top form to do the best for my presentation tomorrow. May ALLAH ease everything for me and the other participant. Amin Allahumma amin.... =)

Friday, 9 May 2014

FYP 2 Week 13: Poster Design

  • To design a poster presentation with flowing specification given
  • To produce a interactive and easy to understand poster layout.

Activities Discussion:

On this week, I required to design a poster for my final year project presentation by using Microsoft Power Point. By observing previous student's poster who already taken the FYP subject, I manage to get some idea and inspiration in designing my own poster. After completing my poster design, I have show my work to my supervisor to see whether she like it or not. With some discussion, there is a slight change on my poster according to her opinion. At the end of my poster design, all specifications have include on the poster as shown in figure below.

  • All the specification required in the poster layout have been included in my poster design.
  • The poster must print on A1 paper size and must ready before my presentation date which is next friday. 

Friday, 2 May 2014

FYP 2 Week 10-12: Develop a fingerprint login system

  • To match and retrieve a fingerprint template from a database
  • To save and retrieve a time log from the database.
  • To develop a login system using fingerprint template.

Activities Discussion:

As we already know, everyone have their own fingerprint. Fingerprint has it unique characteristic because there is no people have a same fingerprint template. On the duration, I try to use a fingerprint template as a password. I have to identify what type of data for a fingerprint template that I must save in SQL database.  Basically, for my project, I store the fingerprint along with employee data profile. I made a little bit modification from a previous registration. As shown in figure 1 and 2, it is the registration form to register or remove an employee. This registration only can access by authorized admin.

Figure 1

Figure 2

For the fingerprint image, Digital Persona provides a SDK that allow me to integrated fingerprint biometric into my application. This tool enables me to perform basic fingerprint operations such as capturing a fingerprint from scanner, extracting the distinctive features from the captured fingerprint sample and storing the resulting data in a template. At the beginning to perform this basic operation, there is several error displays on my application shown in the figure 3 below. 
Figure 3

I had been stuck in this situation for quite long period of time. After searching this kind of error on, I managed to solve it. It is because my application must include the several function of the device in the reference. 
Figure 4

By understand the SQL server works, the constructing of time log database have been easy. In figure 6, it shown the access system for employee after the fingerprint granted (figure 5); fingerprint template is match with the employee database.

Figure 5

Basically, on the access system, I just designed a simple layout and also time access.By retrieve the employee data from the employee’s database, it will display all the information on the application window.

The time access is store in another database that I created which the RegLog database is shown in the figure below. So, every time employee enters the access system, it will record the time entry and save it on this database.

  • It is important to understand SQL server principle and functionality first when constructing a SQL database.In other word, you  must understand how it works before you build something.
  • Digital Persona SDK provides me a helpful hand for developing this application by interfacing the fingerprint device with programming.

  • At the end of week 12, all objective have been successful achieved I managed to run the application smoothly after solving a several error. I also modify the system according to my supervisor advice. 

Sunday, 13 April 2014

FYP 2 Week 7-9: Develop a login system

  • To develop a simple login system using password
  • To study about Structured Query Language (SQL)  database
  • To restore and retrieve a data from a database

Activities Discussion:

On this duration, I’m developing a simple login system using Visual Basic. First of all, I had to start with designing a window application. Designed shown in figure 1 below.

Figure 1

The log in systems has two sections which are admin and employee. For admin, I just put a simple username and password that have been store previously in SQL database. If the username and password is match, it will open a registration window (figure 2). Otherwise, it will not open. On this registration window, it allow admin to register, update or remove an employee. The employee registrations data are store in Employee SQL database.

Figure 2

At the beginning, the application has a problem to retrieve the data from the database that I store previously. The error shown in figure 3 and 4 that it fail to detect the database. It has been so difficult for beginner like me to understand that kind of error.

Figure 3

Figure 4

My friends advise me to try following a website or forum such as and for reference. After following that website, it begins to show some positive result. The feedback was quick and useful. It is the good start for me to learn and develop this application although it shows some error but at the end I manage to solve it. 

Figure 5

  •  At the end of week 9, I manage to run a successful program. I also know how the SQL (structure query language) database functionality.

  • One thing that I realize is computer is quite straight forward because we have to tell everything. If there is no instruction, it will not do anything. it is my task to provide those instructions.

  • The website such as and surely deserve a credit for helping a new beginner to understand and develop a program. The communities were so friendly and helpful.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

FYP 2 Week 6: Continue to learn about

  •  To continue study on
  • To find an extra resource to gain the programming knowledge.

Activities Discussion:

This week I’m continue to develop my skill and knowledge about the I had borrowed some books at Unikl BMI library. The books explained about Visual Basic programming and so on.

 I also learn the through Youtube Channel. There are several video that I download help me improving my skills


  • The books from library do help me in term of understanding on software and programming.

  • Basically, the video that I download is just for my study purpose. It is also to enhance my basic programming skill

Sunday, 9 March 2014

FYP 2 Week 5: Purchasing fingerprint scanner

  • To purchase the Digital Persona fingerprint device 
  • To study the SDK (Software Development Kits)  of the device

Activities Discussion:

This week I went to jalan pasar to search digital persona scanner. Unfortunately, they don’t have that kind of device. So, I had to purchase the device online.And then, after some online research, I found a website that sell this device. It have two model which is Digital Persona U.Are.U 4500 cost around RM 469 and the other is Digital Persona U.Are.U 5160 cost around RM 539. I decided to call the dealer to arrange the meeting.
On 5 march, I went to KTM Seremban to pick up the device myself. The reason of why I pick it up myself not only for a safety of purchase but also to learn some more about how the device works and its functionality with the dealer. The device kind of expensive cause it costs me around RM 469. Luckily, I manage to get a student discount which reduces the price to RM439.00.  

  • The device is suitable for me to develop a access system using fingerprint security application
  • DigitalPersona SDKs offer a full range of capabilities, including image capture, template extraction, template matching, identification, data encryption and more. They support platforms and language interfaces and adhere to prevailing image, data and compression standards. 

Saturday, 1 March 2014

FYP 2 Week 4: Learning basic programming

  • To understand basic principle in programming
  • To purchase the software from Microsoft Visual Studio

Activities Discussion:

I must understand about programming because this programming is actually kind of new to me. In this week, I do some internet research about software and programming. Luckily, Microsoft provides a developer free express edition of Visual Studio for learning propose. But it will need me to register an account in order to obtain a free product key.
There are several website for beginner like me to understand the basic principal in Visual Basic programming. Here the list:

Also in this week, the first FYP 2 this semester briefing was held in Unikl BMI Gemilang Hall. During the brief, the details of marks scheme and overall schedule for FYP 2 were well explained by the speaker.

  • VB.Net is worthy of consideration as a language for first level programming. It supports all the features required for learning imperative and OO programming and it provides functionality via its libraries.
  • The drawback is that even the simplest of programs incorporates some aspects of an advanced program (for example inheritance).
  • FYP 2 briefing about the marks presentation changes from 35% to 40%.